I don't know about you, but I don't really like the "woman" who represents us gals now. What happened to innocence and femininity and simple, honest beauty?
I want it to be like it was before...how about you?
How did we go from looking like this...
to this?
and when did our bodies change from this...
to this?
This used to be what a real beauty looked like...
now we are told in order to be beautiful, we have to look like this...
How did we go from astounding natural beauty...
to "everybody uses the same doctor beauty"?
You could be completely feminine and still be stunning...
why do we have to be trashy now?
Hallmark of a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice...
...no comment!

Ava was cutting edge...
this is not even near the line
Remember when each face was unique and different and fresh looking?
These days the hair, lips and eyes all look exactly alike...
She looks so honest and clean and lovely...
she looks scary and dirty and untrustworthy...
When sexy was just that...sexy...
Please don't shoot me, but this is not sexy...
Here's the entertainment standard that young girls aspired to then...
How did the look of Rita get replaced by the same lips and hair as everyone else in Hollywood today?
Hard working professional media woman...
what is happening to our newscasters?
Fresh, clean country girl...
I'm not sure how fresh she is.
Sorry for the ranting, but I have really been thinking alot about this lately and wanted to see if any of you are feeling as misrepresented as I am.
This is my ideal of what it means to be a woman...
This classy lady is my fav and I want to model my appearance after her.
I love her shoes, her lovely, shapely dress, and her classic hair...she is the real beauty!