About My Vintage World

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Party's Over!

Many warm thanks to all of you for your concern for Levi and his tonsil operation...He is feeling wonderful and healing quickly.

But...in the midst of it all...my baby turned 4 years old.  
Levi made his own cake for the occasion. 
He loves to use the
"pink spinny thing with the motor"
as he calls it...he's my little baker!

He had so much fun and created a yummy
orange cake...his fav! 
He decorated it with vintage clowns and choo-choo trains, soooo darn cute!

But the most fun of all was getting together with my beloved family. 
It's not easy being a mommy of two sons, one who is 27 and one who just turned 4, oh, and I forgot...I have a grandson who's 3 soon...but it's my life and I wouldn't trade it for nothin!

As you can see God has truly blessed me. 

I absolutely love the vintage life that I live in my vintage house.
My home has become "Family Central" and I am so lucky that I get to share it with my family and friends often.


  1. I'm so happy that he did well.
    Happy Birthday too! :)
    He's SOOOOO cute!

    Yes, you truly are blessed. :)


  2. He is serioulsy adorable. He reminds me of my husband, as a boy.

    Love your pink spinny thing!

  3. I'm so glad Levi is doing well!

    It looks like you had a wonderful party!

  4. Happy birthday to your wee one! And wowowowow, what a house!

  5. oh i am so happy sweet baby levi is doing good! blessings kitten...

  6. So HAPPY Levi did well with his surgery. Love the cake. Levi is so CUTE. BTW I love your dress!

  7. I am so glad to hear all is well! He's such a doll! I had two boys before I was 20-then at aged 36, my daughter came along. So now I have a 19, almost 36 and almost 38 year old! I also have four granddaughters! I wouldn't trade it for anything! Zootsuitmama

  8. Hey! What a handsome little guy... always gotta love them kids ;) And your home is Astounding!

  9. Yay! So glad Levi is doing well! Happy birthday to him!!

  10. Oh MY! I love your dress and your pic's of your sons and grandsons! You truly are blessed.

    You look so happy in your kitchen, totally the picture of the 50's mom.


  11. Our home is also "family central" even though I'm "just" a stepmom for two boys and a girl. Then I have a son as well. I love that the children love to be home. Love your dress!

  12. Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I'm having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let's Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane


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