About My Vintage World

Friday, May 14, 2010

LA Day Trip

We took a fun day trip to AMAZING, AUTHENTICORIGINAL
It's about 60 miles from where we live, but oh so worth the ride.
Our goal was to dine at the wonderfully unique and very kitschy Clifton's Cafeteria on Broadway St...check them out here

I remember many birthday parties at this fabulous place when I was a child, and you have never tasted baked macaroni and cheese as delicious as this I can guarantee.

Clifton's is still a family owned business using the same recipes since it's opening in 1935

But what makes this place truly amazing is the wonderful atmosphere inside...you feel as if you have stepped into a
vintage forest wonderland
complete with running waterfalls and rivers, yes rivers
Around every corner there is something to be explored. 
Levi was in heaven!!! 

We lingered and enjoyed our lunch and every delectible morsel we placed in our mouths to the fullest. 
Darn, we didn't have any room left to sample goodies from their famous bakery though...next time?

After lunch we drove up Broadway to

Let me tell you, there is nothing like the funk and vibe of Chinatown LA 

The items in each shop are so fun to explore and just look at the amazing eye candy in the presentation. 

I simply could not get enough and bought some fun stuff for my patio...
but that is another post.

I hope you get the opportunity to experience the funkiness that
Old Downtown Los Angeles
has to offer at least once in your lifetime...if you do, you will come away impacted!


  1. I've lived in so. Cal my whole life and have YET to make it to Clifton's! waaa! lol...

    Wonderful fun day!

  2. Looks like a great time!! Another new dream destination for me! Zootsuitmama

  3. That looks like so much fun. My son would love it too- he's 5. I haven't been to the West Coast for over 10 years- it's time to go back!

  4. I keep talking about one day going to Clifton's...I think now is the time. I love old establishments & prefer the homey comfort foods. Just love your vintage lifestyle and your camper is TDF!

  5. Atomic Ranch...where do you live? I would love to have the chance to maybe meet up sometime and "talk shop".


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