About My Vintage World

Friday, November 4, 2011

October...You Were A Busy One!

Hi Guys...sorry so long since my last post, but, whew...October was busy!

Did a 5K Mun Run Charity event with my daughter and some friends...
and got really muddy!

This is the first time I have ever done anything like this...

But, my daughter is very persuasive as you can see...

We couldn't believe we made it to the finish line

Victory Pose

A friend was covering the media for the event,
so here is the
"Press Photo"

On to Halloween...
I didn't do my grand party this year...I let my sister hold the festivities at her house which worked out kinda cool cause her house is decorated Victorian and my props looked really awesome with her interior design...

These are my mad scientist lab props

A piece of my sister's awesome turn of the century furniture "spookied out".

Another shot of the living dead room...

Finally...our costumes. 
My sister is the Golden Goddess, I am the Green Witch,
and my daughter is a Hippie Type...

 I have to admit, this was really fun to put so much effort into my costume this year cause I am usually so busy jus' tryin to make the party happen at my house.

Close up of my make up...

 On actual Halloween night my Levi dressed up as a hungry for candy Darth Vader...

But, he only lasted about 10 houses, so the candy bag didn't get too full...darnit! 

I can give up alot of things, but Chocolate...

NEVERMORE quoth the raven!

Hope you all had as wonderful an October as I did!
See ya next time.

1 comment:

  1. I love your cosyume, and Levi looks too cute :)
    Your sisters house looks great all spookified (yes it is a word in my vocabulary...lol)
    Good for you running that race; I bet the muddy part was the best part too :)


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