About My Vintage World

Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Lovely, Lovely Macarons

Just how many of these lovely delights can I eat in one day you ask? 
Well, I will never tell but I will share with you my husband's desire to keep me well stocked with these
heavenly creations.  

Frankie just happens to work in Los Angeles...sometimes. 

And he just happens to be near 700 South Grand Ave...occasionally. 

And he knows that I simply adore these treats from
Bottega Louie...most any time. 

So when he shows up with this...

I know that whats inside will look like this...

And more importantly this...

And then I will squeal with delight! 

And because they are way to beautiful to just eat, I will "play" with them  like this...

by arranging them in pretty bowls just so I can photograph them...

 before I  am carried away to another place in time...

when I will actually eat them. 

The flavors of each one are so exotic and unique and I like to imagine that I am a fine French lady...

who has nothing better to do all day than to sit by the crackling fire sampling and savoring each one.

If you have never had the pleasure of tasting one of these unique treats and don't really know what they are...but find yourself interested...then click here to learn more about thier flavorful history.

Or you can visit Bottega Louie on their blog and see for yourself just what they do down there in LA.  You also gotta check out their chocolate...flavor combo's that I have never seen before...simply fabulous.

I'm a lucky girl to be spoiled this way by my man who, by the way, doesn't care at all if I become as big as a house by eating each and every one of them...all by myself!


  1. You are killing me!!! They look yummy. Somehow the tacos my hubster brought home yesterday don't have the same effect!!!lol

  2. How could it get any better.
    They look like little gems of pure delight. Thank you.

  3. Oh, those look good! I've never had one, just admired pretty photos of them on blogs. The box and ribbon make them almost too gorgeous to open!

  4. Your husband sounds like a total sweetheart and those treats look awesome!

  5. Oh my...if I wasn't low carbing...

  6. Oh you lucky girl, what a fantastic husband you have. They are so pretty. I have a recipe to make them but I dont think I am expert enough to do them properly. I need a husband like yours to buy me some! X

    P.S Thanks for you lovely comment about my village. It is a pretty and slow paced place to live but sometimes I do yearn for abit of action LOL! A hairdressers and a nail bar would do X

  7. They look wonderful. Would love to have one. We were at Pike Place Market in Seattle, WA today, had pasteries for breakfast, the best in the world but nothing like the ones you have.
    Linda P.


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