About My Vintage World

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome to My Trailer...Come On In

Many of you have asked to see more of my little trailer from seeing The Vintage Housewife's gracious sneak peek of her.
Well, what is following is probably more than you want to see but I hope you have some fun looking.

The facts: We bought her about 7 years ago from the ORIGINAL OWNER WHO WON HER ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT...YES, THE PRICE IS RIGHT. She's a 1969 Scotsman, so she's not as old as she looks.

Frankie and I spent that whole summer fixin' her up and I think she likes her new clothes and make-up alot better.
We love her and wish we could take her out more, that's comin...soon...so, for right now, we just "play house" in her.

We have tried to stay with a vintage "travel" theme inside of her, but have ended up mixing in a little gingham, bar-b-que, picnic, and honky-tonk western (all vintage, of course).

I'm going to try and not talk anymore, so you can come in and relax and enjoy the snapshots and just have some plain 'ol fun with us...

What can I make for ya?

Just look at these darlin' plastic Solo Cup holders...and yes, I also have the original box of disposable inserts to go in 'em too!

This vintage Bar-B-Que tablecloth is one of my very favorite things

These are the vintage Solo Cup disposable inserts that go to the cuties hanging over the sink... of course I don't actually use them...I want to have them forever!

Me 'n Levi having a coke and a blast at our"faux" picnic.

Here's my Hunny Bunny, Frankie...isn't he the cutest thing you ever saw?

and a little honky-tonk just like I promised...

Hey, what are they checkin' out???? Must be a cool car...

Don't I look like a cigar smokin' bad girl here?
(I'm not really bad, and I don't actually smoke it was just a fun shot).

I hope you had alot of fun and I hope you get to go camping with us soon!


  1. Eek! I'm SO IN LOVE! It was so fun to see some pics over at Cat's but I wanna thank you for sharing more with us! The fact that this trailer was a Price is Right prize?! *faint* So awesome and gingham is one of my very favorite things!!! You did a beautiful job doing her up!

    One of my goals is to have my very own sweet little trailer one day! Thank you for sharing, your girl is absolutely darling!!!

  2. OHHHHHH SWEET!!! This is one reason why I love blogs....I just KNEW there had to be more people like me out there in the world!!! Great blog!

  3. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I have been checking ever few hours to see if you posted yet!! I know, I'm just a big nerd! But seriously-that trailer is a dream! I guess I'll have to get out there and fix up my Golden Girl for Summer. She's a little yellow Boler, with blue and white ginham checked curtains with red rick rack. I did the vintage travel thing, too! I want to get her road ready, soon! You are soooo lucky to have a daddy-o to help! Cute Cute Cute! Zootsuitmama

  4. love, love, LOVE it! i have my whole kitchen done in red and am doing it more and more vintage! your trailer is beautiful! great job! i have some new inspiration now....

  5. You are killing me here! I am in LOOOOOOVE!!

  6. I think me and you babe...might be sista's separated at birth! I could be your Blighty version...come on over and have a look ;) I was looking for messy kitchen piccies, coz I burnt the pancakes today! YUK! but now i have found you...I am my old self again :)

    Love ya - Love Happy xx

  7. I LOVE it! Beautiful AND cute at the same time!

  8. It's beautiful!
    I love how you've co-ordinated yourself to match the inside! :P

    You've done an awesome job and yes, hubby is a hottie. ;p


  9. oh my shelly you guys look great! i just love the photo with the guys lookin at the car...at first i didn't see lil' levi! How adorable...great happy post!

  10. Found you through Cat's blog. Wow both of you gals have such great vintage looks here. Hey I actually lived those years, it always seems more fun when you look back doesn't it than when you're going through it. Your decorating and collecting is just fantastic. I love the little red in the trailer. Hope you can do a great trip sometime soon.

  11. Both you and Cat have the cutest trailers EVER!!! I so wish I had one. My parents have my grandparents old one, but it has been hidin' in the bushes for years so it is a mess. Maybe somedayyyy.
    Enjoy, Dana

  12. What an adorable blog you have! I love it so much I've become a follower. I found it on Vintage Houswife blog, and I found hers from a friend of mine. The world is so small. I love all things vintage. I'm off to check out the rest of your delightful blog. PS: I think your figure is just perfect!

  13. Oh dear. That kitchen made my heart flutter!!! So happy I found you. Can't wait for more....

    Hope you'll stop by and check out my retro WW experiment:

  14. how did i miss that you found me a dress!!!! ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! wow what a goodie for me! miss ya girl...cat...thanks

  15. We are not in denial, we just know how we were meant to be treated and how we were meant to live as a family. Love your blog. I enjoy it so. And I am with you, the older clothes fit a woman's real curves so well. And are so classy and sexy.

  16. Holy carp! Its so fantastic, and you look amazing!!

  17. I love it! Everything you've done is simply perfect :-)

  18. love you blog and all that you do. I found cozy cups at my salvation army yesterday. After wondering if I would find the cup inserts ever, I googled Solo Co. and found that after popular demand, they have brought them back! You can order inserts and receive brown and white holders with the inserts. Now, we can have our cups and use them, too! Denise

  19. What a DARLING trailer, and a happy way to travel!! I have been on the look-out for one! Thanks for sharing and the inspiration!!

  20. What a wonderful tribute to Gene. Loved seeing all the pictures.

  21. OMG!!! I just love this trailer of yours - especially the way you decorated it with my fav color RED!! So cute!


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