About My Vintage World

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hi Gals...
Some of you asked to see my Easter outfit, so right after church Frankie took a few snaps of me in all my Easter Sunday Glory...hope you enjoy!

My darling black and white gingham number is an original
Ranch Maid Western Wear
dress that I picked up at the Rose Bowl Flea Market a number of years ago, isn't she cute?
She fits me like a glove!

I love when I find dresses that fit right in all the right places like this,
I think I must have a "vintage body"!

Not skinny, but a little round...just the way God made me!

Easter morning was a bit chilly, so I paired my dress with one of the
vintage beaded sweaters from my closet.

This precious pink purse is a thrift store find along with my
darling pink silk scarf with the "WoW" daisies...don't ya just love it?

My cute pink wedge sandals are not vintage, but I think they match so perfectly with my pink vintage purse.
It's OK to mix it up sometimes...it keeps if fun!

I had such an amazing day with my family,
I hope you all did too...see ya soon...

Be sure to look for my upcoming Summer post with pics of me in one my vintage swimsuits...Do I dare?


  1. You looked like you stepped out of a magazine! I adore your hair-do!

  2. You looked beautiful!
    Love that dress!


  3. Beautiful! ...and Oh, do I LOVE that PINK purse!
    L from Sage Patch

  4. Wonderful! Ahh to be young like you, I'd post pics of myself wearing yummy vintage clothes like you!

    By the way, I love LOVE your kitchen! I see you make sure to collect all sorts of vintage goodies, even the little details. I want my 1950's home to be vintage in every nook and cranny and drawer and cabinet.

    My kitchen is pink as well, hope to have it refurbished by next year (fingers crossed lol)... Yours is wonderful inspiration. =)

  5. Thanks Girls for the warm compliments...1950's Atomic Ranch House, I'm not young physically, I'm 45, but I do have a young-at-heart spirit, so maybe that's what shows. I do love to collect all the little details and use them too, but many times I simply don't open packages. I keep them just to savor 'em exactly the way they came from the store many years ago! Sometimes I think it's a fetish, but Frankie likes it too, so it's a good fetish!

  6. adorable...stinkin adorable! I remember the first time i saw you you had a lil' western cowgirl number on like this one...they are my favorite dresses on you...have a great weekend!

  7. You look amazing! That dress is fab and I love love love that pink purse! :D

  8. I adore that dress--it looks fab on you!


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